Dental Implants: Pros and Cons

  • Are Dental Implants Safe?

    11 August 2017

    Dental implants are considered effective and safe by some contemporary dentists for replacing missing teeth. They have been in use for over 30 years. They are normally made of titanium. The metal is bio compatible and is often not rejected by the body. It serves as a sturdy and strong foundation for replacement teeth. Your jaw bone attaches itself to the implant, locking the metal in place. Safe Surgical Procedures

  • How to Prepare Your Child for Getting Braces

    11 August 2017

    Braces are an effective way of correcting crooked or uneven teeth, and a few years of treatment can lead to a beautiful, straight smile for the rest of your child's life. However, that doesn't mean your child won't be apprehensive about the treatment. Many kids worry that the procedure will be painful or that they'll be teased for their appearance. Following the tips below will help your child to feel as comfortable as possible ahead of their first appointment.

  • Never Too Late for Tooth Whitening: 3 Last Minute Tooth Whitening Tips for Those With Little Time to Spare

    21 March 2017

    Did you know that 28 percent of people refuse to show their teeth for the camera when they know the picture will be viewed on social media? That's probably because photos have an irritating knack of highlighting flaws, meaning chipped, missing or yellow teeth stand out like dandelions in a field of daisies. Furthermore, during a social event, such as a wedding, graduation ceremony, corporate function or leaving party, it is almost impossible to hide from the revealing glare of the spotlight.

  • 4 Serious Problems That Can Result from Not Seeing a Dentist for an Extruded Tooth

    1 March 2017

    If you receive a hard knock to the mouth, it's possible that one of your teeth may be knocked out entirely. This is known properly as an avulsed tooth, but it isn't the only kind of injury that can occur. You may also suffer from an extruded tooth as a result of trauma. This refers to a tooth that has been knocked out of its usual position. Sometimes an extruded tooth will just be hanging by a few threads of remaining tissue, in which case you probably won't hesitate to see an emergency dentist.

  • How to Spot a Minor Dental Issue Before It Becomes a Problem

    29 December 2016

    According to the Oral Health Foundation, over a quarter of adults only book a dental appointment when they become aware of a problem. However, choosing to approach your oral health in this way comes with many risks. Dentists are trained to spot potential oral health issues with a quick examination, but unless you yourself are a dentist, it is likely that you might not identify a serious problem with your teeth or gums until the condition has become so bad that extensive dental work is needed.

  • Is It Advisable To Whiten Teeth With Strawberries And Baking Soda?

    13 December 2016

    If you have discolored teeth, you probably avoid smiling in photos.  Not only that, perhaps you also avoid flashing a smile while interacting with other people, even when you want to laugh. The whiter your teeth are, the more beautiful your smile is. Seeing a dentist or buying over the counter products can sometimes be costly. Thus, many people are always looking for ingenious ways to whiten their teeth.  One traditional way of whitening the teeth is using a mixture of strawberry and baking soda.

  • The Benefits of Saliva: 4 Ways that Saliva Benefits Your Teeth

    21 November 2016

    Most people don't think of saliva as being anything more than annoying or even disgusting. This especially true for those night-time droolers who frequently wake up to find that their pillow is now cold, wet and sticky against their cheek. However, despite its many downsides, saliva is one of your greatest allies when it comes to keeping your mouth healthy.  Without it, your mouth would be a very unpleasant place. In this article, you'll learn how important saliva can be to your oral health and how you can increase saliva production and flow to help you keep your teeth strong and healthy